Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Vampire Diaries 4/28/11

Hey Junkies!!

I must say this TVD episode was the most thrilling. Everyone came back...including the werewolves.

It opened with Damon staring at the ceiling in his room, eavesdropping on Stefan, Elijah, and Elena's conversation about the Full Moon to kill Klaus. Elijah tells them that they need the moonstone, Elena, and a special elixir concocted by Elijah to kill Klaus. Damon gets pissed that they don't listen to him.

Next, we move to the Lockwood mansion with Klaus's witch "throwing" Mrs. Lockwood down the stairs. Back at Elena's new house, Damon and Stefan contemplate Elena's decision, Damon practically begs Stefan to stop being so naive. Then at the hospital, Tyler returns to see his newly bruised mother. Sheriff Forbes tries to get Matt to realize that Caroline is evil because she is a vampire.

Returning to the Salvatore-Gilbert home, Elena tries to cheer Damon up. She tells him that everything that will happen later on will be fine. Damon still feels like he can't lose her, even though their not dating. When she tries to walk out, Damon gives her his blood (scary). Stefan comes to save the day and he gets pissed all over again. Damon stakes Stefan and everyone is emotionally hurt except Elijah, who still hates Damon. Elijah tells him that he doesn't get it. Jenna and Alaric are happily back together and once again, Stefan whisks Elena off. Tyler and Jules, lady wolf, rush out of the hospital and are stopped by Caroline. Caroline seems confused that he's "back"-ish but stays composed until she hears him say that he has to leave again. Caroline and Tyler get attacked by man-witch and Greta and leave the hospital.

Klaus meets Alaric and Damon at the Grill and taunts them. Of course, he is hot as ever and Damon tries to get Klaus to postpone the Sacrifice, but it failed. Damon and Alaric still try and buy Elena more time for the Sacrifice and so Alaric willingly agrees to help Damon "screw it up", the Sacrifice that is. We then move to a forest where Elena and Stefan take a walk to a waterfall. Stefan is concerned about her and her feelings, so they climb to the top. At Alaric's, Damon gets in and talks to Katherine. Katherine tells him that  Klaus has Caroline and Tyler and so he makes his way to the Tomb. At the Tomb, Caroline tells Tyler that they were at the hand of Klaus, of whom he doesn't know. We return to the waterfall and Stefan tells Elena the good and bad things of being a vampire, which she will become thanks to Damon. Stefan seems okay with it, but honestly he's scared for her. Klaus returns to Alaric's and tortures Katherine by making her stand in the sunlight.

Damon continues on his way to the Tomb and he encounters man-witch, who Matt kills (yes, Matt). Damon takes the rifle Matt used to kill man-witch to knock him out. Caroline continues to educate Tyler on the Sacrifice and Klaus. Tyler tells Caroline that Jules has been helping him out. Caroline wonders why Tyler left and he says that it was because he knew she hated him. Damon lets them both free and lets Tyler get ready for the Full Moon. At the waterfall, Stefan and Elena talk about Elena becoming a vampire and finally Stefan lets her know that he wants to be with her forever. Elena is still scared of what she's going to become and that she will never be able to have a normal future. She doesn't want to be a vampire and begins to cry, something she does well. Then, Caroline finds Matt and the Full Moon is already so Tyler begins to freak. Back at the Salvatore-Gilbert house, Elena is thankful for the day and they both see Klaus. Stefan gets freaked that Elena is going to die and they make out for a good two seconds and she tells him to close his eyes so that he doesn't see her leave. He enters the house and he tells Damon that Elena has already gone. Tyler begins to wolf out and they leave. Klaus goes back to Alaric's and Damon barges in and begins to provoke Klaus. Damon sees the video of Jules in the Tomb and he is hardly moved. Klaus tells Damon that he knew that something was going to go wrong so he had backups: "backup witch, backup werewolf, and backup vampire".

Caroline and Matt go to the cellar where Tyler used to tie himself down. Katherine tells Damon that she called someone. Greta takes Elena to see Jenna who was in transition to becoming a vampire and now Damon has a wolf bite = Damon's death.

The next episode, Junkies, will be the actual sacrifice and the epic episode....stay tuned!


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