Saturday, April 16, 2011

Update!! PLUS Vampire Diaries 4/7/11

Hey Junkies!!

Sorry about how I haven't posted since December of last year, but I wanted to update you guys on The Vampire Diaries from last week, titled "Know Thy Enemy".

That was the episode where Elena's mother, Isobel, returned to Mystic Falls and, unbeknownst to the clan (Jeremy, Stefan, Damon, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Alaric) was compelled to get Katherine with Klaus to break the "Sun and the Moon Curse". However, prior to this Damon killed Elijah with a special dagger dipped in White Oak ash which set Katherine free from the tomb which led to this.

Here's the basic breakdown:

  1.  Jenna lets Isobel in the house but storms out pissed at Elena and Alaric for lying about Isobel's "death".
  2. Katherine tries to persuade the Salvatore brothers in avoiding confronting Isobel about her being out of the tomb.
  3.  John, after getting a nice punch in the face, and Isobel have a chat with Elena and Stefan about Isobel's true intentions of returning as well as Klaus's plan.
  4.  Damon takes Bonnie and Jeremy to the witches' burning site. (FYI: Luca and his father are dead and Bonnie is basically the only good witch in town again.)
  5.  Isobel and Katherine talk about what would happen to her (Katherine) due to Klaus's supposed return.
  6. Elena, accompanied by Stefan, goes to accept an award in her mother's honor and the Lockwood banquet but is captured by Isobel after she causes a diversion.
  7. Katherine gets the moonstone and gives it to Isobel.
  8. Isobel takes Elena to her grave, the one placed by her parents when she was "dead", and apologized deeply for her actions.
  9. Isobel kills herself, by taking off her lapis lazuli necklace and Elena regrets her actions towards her.
  10. John, killed in the diversion, wakes up thanks to his ring and Elena allows him to stay.
  11. Stefan and Damon sign their home over to Elena so that she will be safe and can protect herself from any vampires that could possibly enter the house.
  12. Alaric and Katherine are captured by Klaus' warlock and Klaus is transferred to stay in Alaric's body.
Sorry again, junkies for not updating but hope you continue to read!

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