Hey Junkies!!
So, The Vampire Diaries is now back!! This episode is titled "The Birthday," referring to Elena's 18th! It feels so good to have it back. Let's jump right in!
The first episode of season 3 began with a quick review and a glimpse of a Tennessee home where a girl exits and crosses paths with Klaus and Stefan. Klaus compels the girl into letting him into the house where Stefan corners the other at the front door. Then Klaus sets Stefan loose on the squealer. Then we move to Elena awake in bed looking as pitiful as ever. She gets up and attempts to open the windows in Jeremy's room. Then Caroline is seen shopping giving Elena locations of where Klaus and Stefan might be.
We then move to Damon and Andy in the bathroom and Damon steps out of his bubble bath dripping wet moving downstairs where he shocks Elena. They quickly banter about how this new lead from Sheriff Forbes may be another dead end. At the grill, Bonnie and Jeremy are video chatting then he quickly hangs up as he is experiencing the freak condition he had before, seeing Vicki and Anna again. Jeremy goes out and serves Caroline and Matt as the have some awkward sexual tension.
At a bar in Tennessee, Klaus finds a "chap" named Ray who for some reason has significance in his life. Ray seems to be shocked about Klaus being a hybrid. Klaus then asks for Ray to give his packs location but Ray fights it and says he can't be compelled for some reason. Stefan then comes in with a bag filled with Wolfsbane and tells the Bartender to put it "on the rocks."
Moving on, Alaric and Damon show up at the house Klaus and Stefan were at before and take a look around only to find, to their dismay, a wrecked house with blood splattered all over the walls and to mangled decaying bodies.
At the Lockwood mansion, Tyler, Elena, and Caroline are setting up for Elena's party and Tyler tells Caroline that he has this tempting part of the werewolf gene that sometimes won't stop working: the sexual part. Back at the wrecked home in Tennessee, Damon begins pouring gasoline on the bodies but stops abruptly as he sees chains under creaking floor boards.
At the bar, Stefan is shown throwing darts at Ray. Then a girl comes and tells Klaus that Damon and Alaric were seen at the house. Stefan claims that he won't let Damon ruin anything.
Returning to the Salvatore mansion, Damon and Elena have a small moment where he gives her back her necklace. He then takes Elena as his escort.
At Elena's party, everyone's having fun but she's looking annoyed. There's SO much drinking Elena has to give in. Matt and Jeremy sit down and have a pow-wow about the past events. Alaric and Damon are wooing over the fact that they have to be the lousy chaperones telling unruly kids how to act.
We then move to Andy at her TV station and the lights suddenly turn on. Footsteps are heard and Andy begins running away only to find Stefan staring at her with hunger filled eyes. Caroline begins drinking Damon's favorite bottle of alcohol and Tyler watches as they have a quick banter. Caroline compels Tyler's date to leave the party and Tyler is left dateless. Pitiful Elena walks into Damon's room looking for a breather but can't seem to get over the fact that Stefan isn't there. Caroline calls to her attention that her life is passing her by. Elena then finds the special the board Damon's been using to track Klaus and Stefan.
Damon arrives at Andy TV station where, to his dismay, he can't find her. His phone then rings and then answers it because Elena's wondering where her is. He finds Andy's blood-soaked jacket and has a quick chat with Stefan. He sees Andy on a high ramp by the lights and she tells him she can't move because Stefan has compelled her. Stefan then states that she can move and she falls to her death. Damon is distraught and Stefan has that "I told you to let me go" look on his face. Stefan then vanishes when Damon goes over to Andy's body. Once again, another woman that he loves now dead.
At Elena's party Jeremy sees Matt again totally stoned and then sees Vicki asking for him to help her. Tyler and Caroline have a moment and make out leading to them sleeping together. Damon goes to his room only to find Elena questioning him about the search. He tells her that he's completely gone back to being a "ripper" and she's heartbroken, of course. At the Gilbert house, Matt and Jeremy are seen snuffing down a huge carton of ice cream and Jeremy finally tells him that he's been seing Vicki.
Klaus then feeds Ray his blood, then kills him. Klaus then provokes Stefan into letting his whole life go.
Alaric tells Elena that she "can do all this stuff alone now" and leaves her. Caroline and Tyler are shown sleeping together. Damon walks around Stefan's room and destroys it with how much he misses him. Stefan walks out of the bar and calls Elena and doesn't say anything and just listens as she talks. Caroline sneaks out of Tyler's room during the night and Mrs. Lockwood shoots down Caroline with Vervain darts.
Next week's episode is going to be even BETTER!!
Later Junkies!!
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