Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Vampire Diaries 5/12/11

Hey Junkies!!

This week’s episode was the SEASON FINALE for The Vampire Diaries!! I really am going to miss it this summer. It’s wrapping up all of the drama from this season and putting a final word to Damon and his health. So here’s the low-down:

The final episode opened up with Elena staring at Jeremy asleep and feeling remorse from the past events. She goes into Jenna’s old room and closes the door behind her. Damon appears in her house and he begs for her forgiveness because he fed her his blood.  He goes back to his house and takes out a bottle of alcohol and drinks a glass. He stands in front of his stain glass window and burns himself until Stefan saves him. Stefan drags him to the cellar where Elijah was held for a while and states that he has Bonnie searching for a cure.

We then move to Klaus and Elijah in a forest where Klaus wakes up two days after the Sacrifice was broken. Elijah presses Klaus into honoring his agreement for finding their family. Stefan calls Alaric, who is drunk at the Grill, and tells him Damon is dying. Elena and Jeremy meet Caroline at a screening of Gone With The Wind in order to forget what has happened. Stefan and Bonnie are at the witch’s burning site and Bonnie tells Stefan that she’s gotten a connection to Emily. Emily then begins to speak through Bonnie and says that she doesn’t want to help Stefan find a cure for Damon’s wolf bite. Bonnie, after being abused internally, says that Klaus is probably the only one who knows about a cure for Damon.

Carol Lockwood is out of the hospital and is curious about Sheriff Forbes’s take on the vampire situation. Stefan tells Elena about Damon’s situation and she freaks. Damon has a hallucination and second-guesses Katherine’s sincerity. Stefan goes to Alaric’s where, after seeing Katherine is held hostage thanks to Klaus. Klaus stabs Stefan and Stefan tries to make another agreement. Alaric visits Damon and has a hard time with him. Elena goes to visit Damon and is captured by Sheriff Forbes. Sheriff Forbes “talks” with Damon, who then slams her against the wall violently. Back in the park with Bonnie and Caroline, Jeremy takes the lead and goes to look for his sister. At Alaric’s, Klaus taunts Stefan about his past and how he used to be murderous and Klaus reveals that his blood is the cure for wolf bites. Damon is found at the Gone With The Wind screening and he searches for Elena. Elena, being held captive by Sheriff Forbes, begs to go with her to get Damon. Sheriff Forbes finds Damon at the Grill and, trying to shoot him, shoots Jeremy in the chest instead. Caroline tries to give him her blood to revive him, as his ring won’t work. However, she was too late so he dies.

Then, we move back to the Grill where Jeremy is taken back with Bonnie and Caroline. Back at Alaric’s, Klaus decides to take Stefan with him on his killing spree. Klaus provokes Stefan further to where he pretty much is putting himself in the same situation as the past. At the witch’s burning site again, Bonnie tries to revive Jeremy but the witches are angry with her. She calls for Emily, who doesn’t reply, and weeps, declaring how much until Jeremy comes back to life. Elena breaks free of the Sheriff’s office and finds Damon who hurts her. She comforts him after he goes crazy while clutching her bleeding neck. Back at the Grill, Caroline and her mother have another talk about her situation and Sheriff Forbes hugs her back. Jeremy tells Bonnie that he feels different but she dismisses it. Elena nurses Damon and stays with him “until the very end” and he says he is extremely sorry. Stefan goes through several bags of blood and seems to still resist Klaus’s temptations. Damon and Elena have a reconnection and she forgives him for what he did. She begins to fight back tears of remorse and says she loves him and kisses him. Katherine shows up with a bottle of Klaus’s blood, the cure, and says that they shouldn’t expect Stefan around for a long time. Klaus takes Stefan along when he flees and Stefan returns to his true, murderous self. Back at the Gilbert’s, Jeremy wakes up and sees something moving in the hall, he goes out and sees Anna and Vicki, alive, but as ghosts.

That’s it for TVD this season, Junkies, and I am dying to see the next one.

Until the fall,


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